Friday, November 7, 2008

Tragedy strikes

Tragedy struck at our house last night. Will had his end of the year soccer party last. He was SO excited about it. He has asked me every day, several times a day, when it was time for his party. He wondered if he would get a trophy like his brother and sister did. We've never had a child that was so excited about their party before.
So we went to McDonald's for the party and Will got his happy meal, (with his own drink! That never happens to our kids!) and then it was time to hand out the trophies. His name was one of the last to be called. It was so cute to watch him wait. You could tell that he was wondering if there was one for him. I've always thought that giving kids trophies when they really didn't win anything kind of defeated the purpose, but I could see how much it was going to mean to Will. He already had a medal that the team got at their last game. He wanted to hang it on the wall under the team picture. He keeps asking us for a nail to hammer in the wall.

Anyway...his name was finally called and he got his trophy. He really was so proud. And tired. He came to me after they had their cake and said he had fun but he was hot, sweaty, and tired and wanted to go. So we left.

We got back home and as we unloaded from the van we reminded the kids to take in all their stuff and get their p.j.'s on right away. When we got inside, Will has laying on the floor moaning. He had tripped over something, fell, dropped his trophy, and it had broken. We promised him that we would try to glue it and if that didn't work, we would buy him a new one. Of coarse our bottle of super glue is out and I can't find anymore. He's asked all day to day if I can call his coach to find out where he got the trophies. We will get his trophy fixed. Hopefully before next season!

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