Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1 Magic Mom, 5 Krazy Kids and a Hot Hubby

OK. I finally started a blog. I read certain blogs everyday. I think about starting a blog all the time. But, I always wonder when I'd find the time to write a blog. I guess now is as good a time as any. So here it goes...

For those that don't know me out there in cyber-world, I call myself Magic Mom. AKA bippity boppity becca. My husband got me a Disney Mickey ears hat last year with Magic Mom on the back. (It is illegal to have "Magic" put on a hat in Disney World, but hot hubby pulled some strings and had it done! OK, illegal might by a strong word, but they said they couldn't do it.)

I'd have to say the name suits me well. My kids think I must be able to do magic to turn myself from the sweet fairy godmother willing to grant their every wish into an evil fire-breathing dragon all in a matter of minutes. (seconds.)

I call my kids Krazy because that's what they are. Once I come up with nifty names for them all I'll introduce you to them. I could call them Krazy Kid 1, Krazy Kid 2, etc, all they way to 5, but that could get old. And yes there are 5 of them. All the way from 8 years to 6 months. Maybe I should be called Krazy Mom instead of magic, but ...I like Magic Mom better.

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